The utility model discloses a seed hill-drop planter which is composed of a seed can, a hill-drop pipe, a main shaft, an operation rod, a support bracket, a draw rod, etc. 本实用新型公开了一种种子点播机,由种子筒、点播管、主轴、操纵杆、支架和拉杆等组成。
Change thermal insulation material and pipe bracket for steam pipe network, reduce energy consumption 更换蒸汽管网保温材料及管托以降低能耗
The equipment/ pipe corrosion and their causes in MOP conversion unit are discussed, some countermeasures and materials are also described for the anticorrosion of conversion reactor, HCl heat exchanger and absorber, pipe and equipment bracket, as well as floor and terrace. 分析氯化钾转化系统中设备管道等的腐蚀情况及机理,并提出转化反应槽、HCl换热器及吸收器、设备管道框架、地坪的用材和防腐措施。
Implementation of a New Steel Pipe Bracket in Glass Manufacture 新型钢结构综合管道支架在玻璃厂的应用
Structure and application of insulated pipe bracket 隔热管托的结构与应用
FRV thermal insulation pipe bracket. FRU隔热管托。
Calculation of steel vessel and pipe on vertical beam or bracket 纵梁或纵向支座上的钢制设备管道计算
Development situation is given to insulated pipe bracket at home and abroad, meanwhile practical application effect on steam pipe is introduced. 介绍了国内外隔热管托的发展情况,以及在蒸汽管道上的实际应用效果。
Some foreign pipe brackets used in high or low temperature are intro-duced in this article: ( 1) Sleeve type thermal insulation pipe bracket; ( 2) Vermiculite high temperature resistant pipe bracket; 为此,本文介绍了几种国外的高、低温管道的隔热管托:(1)套管型保温管托:(2)蛭石耐高温管托;
NHK polyurethane thermal insulation pipe bracket; NHK聚氨酯隔热管托;
The calculation of the match between the pumps, the design of the blueprint, the connection of the pipe line, the design and the selection of the instrument bracket were presented. 文中给出了泵间配合的计算、机组方案的设计、连接管路、仪器支架的设计及选择。
Through engineering, the paper analyzes the high-rise form mounting using cantilevered steel pipe bracket, systematically states safety precautions of high-rise form mounting in order to the stress the importance of safety in high-rise structure construction. 文章通过实例,分析了高层模板安装采用悬挑钢管托架施工,系统地阐述了高层结构施工模板安装的安全措施,旨在提醒高层结构施工过程中的安全重要性。
NHK fire resistant pipe bracket; NHK耐火管托;
Then, testing all kinds parameters of the pipe bracket compression performance, and analyzed the result of the test. At last we can get all kinds of process parameters on the pipe support radial compression performance influence. 其次,对编织的各种参数规格的管道支架进行压缩性能测试,并对测试结果进行了分析,通过定性的分析,得出了各种编织工艺参数对管道支架的径向压缩性能的影响。